IUCAB ExCom meets in Cologne
The IUCAB Executive Committee members came together on 18th November in Cologne, Germany. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Ralf Scholz, Vice President of the IUCAB and Chairman of the CDH Cologne-Bonn-Aachen.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Olivier Mazoyer, President of IUCAB and the Vice Presidents Mr. Ole Kristian Bull from Norway, Mr. David Johnson from The United Kingdom, Mr. Ralf Scholz from Germany, Mr. Axel Sturmberger from Austria and Mr. Carlo Tabellini from Italy as well as Mr. Christian Rebernig, IUCAB Secretary General.
Also partly present were Mrs. Katharina Graf from Increon and Mrs. Elisabeth Slapio from the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Mr. Rebernig gave an actual overview about the transfer of the IUCAB secretariat to Vienna and the new staff working for IUCAB. Furthermore, he gave a presentation about the Website, the new Linkedin page and the action plan for 2017.
Mrs. Graf informed the participants about the upcoming Italian and Russian platform as a part of the IUCAB-platform come-into-contact.com.
A branding and positioning process was started in summer with the branding company Increon. The aim is to give IUCAB a modern image. All the members gave their input in order to elaborate a branding pyramid and to create a brand core as well as a claim. The results will be finished at the beginning of 2017 and presented to the members.
The next meeting will be held in Brussels on 3rd March 2017.