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Secretarial Working Group meets in Paris

On Thursday 27th January 2011 the IUCAB SWG held its annual meeting at the offices of FNAC (one of the IUCAB Member Associations in France).

The meeting was chaired by IUCAB Vice President Mr. Paul Wakeling and attended by National Secretaries from France, Austria, Sweden, Spain and Germany.

The National Secretaries presented an overview of the services provided to their Members. An extensive exchange of experiences and views took place regarding the opportunities of working with social media.

The upcoming International IUCAB Congress 2011 in Marrakech was extensively discussed and further action items were proposed to IUCAB Executive Committee in order to achieve the highest possible number of attendance. These proposals will be passed on to IUCAB ExCom for further direction.

The new IUCAB Website was extensively discussed and outstanding questions of the National Secretaries regarding the contents of the new site and the way it is managed are passed on to IUCAB ExCom for further direction.

Finally the IUCAB Database Project was discussed and evaluated on the current state of affairs.

The next annual meeting of the SWG will take place in London on Friday 27th January 2012.

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