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ExCom Meeting in Stockholm

On 5th September 2008 the Members of the Executive Committee had a meeting in Stockholm. The meeting was hosted by IUCAB Vice-President, Mr. Jan Björnum, on behalf of the Swedish Member Association. Also in attendance were Mr. Andreas Paffhausen, CEO of the German Member Association and Mr. Bryan Shirley, CEO of the US Member Association.

Progress regarding the setting up of a IUCAB Database was discussed and with a view thereto special attention was paid to the draft agreements prepared for that purpose. Organisational-, technical-, legal- and financial aspects of the IUCAB Database Project were discussed and it was decided that the draft agreements would be revised and presented to ExCom for the purpose of approval prior to such drafts being presented to the IUCAB Member Associations with a view to obtaining their respective confirmation of participation in the IUCAB Database Project.

Activities of the IUCAB Vision Group were summarised and proposals for further action were discussed. It was agreed that efforts would be made by the IUCAB Vision Group to obtain more information from the Member Associations on how succession planning is dealt with by the National Associations, the finances of National Associations, the relations with manufacturers(organisations) on a national basis and the services National Associations expect to receive from IUCAB.

A plan on how to establish contacts between commercial agents(organisations) and manufacturers(organisations) is to be developed.

It was agreed that a revision of the current version of the Charter needs to be carried out and further action in that direction in the form of draft proposals is being taken.

It was agreed that a lobbying plan will be developed for the purpose of ensuring that commercial agents in the European Union can bring their claims pertaining to Agency Agreements before the Ports of the country in which they are domiciled.

The next meeting of the ExCom will take place at the IUCAB Secretariat in Amsterdam on Monday 23rd March 2009.

The MAA Centennery Conference will be held on 12th November 2009.

The first MANA Annual Meeting is scheduled for 31st May – 3rd June 2009 in Las Vegas.

The Annual IUCAB Delegates Meeting 2009 to be held in Milan from 29th April – 2nd May 2009 was discussed in detail and it was agreed that the invitation letters and registration forms would be sent to all Member Associations in the course of the month of October 2008.

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