Fruitful IUCAB Board meeting in Budapest
The IUCAB Executive Committee came together on 22nd November in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting was attended by Mr. Olivier Mazoyer, President of IUCAB, and the Vice Presidents Mr. Ole Kristian Bull from Norway, Mr. David Johnson from UK, Mr. Marco Righetti from Italy, Mr. Ralf Scholz from Germany and Mr. Axel Sturmberger from Austria as well as Mr. Charles Cohon from USA and IUCAB Secretary General, Mr. Christian Rebernig.
Mr. Rebernig gave a current overview of the actions 2019/2020.
During the meeting, the board members discussed the ongoing evaluation of the VBER and the results of the workshop organised by the EU Commission in Brussels from 14th to 15th November. The importance of VBER is very high in order to guarantee that the distribution channel via commercial agents is maintained.
Furthermore, an overview was presented of the results of the social media workshop held during the Delegates Meeting in Valencia. Many ideas are already implemented in the social media strategy. From January 2020 onwards, a collaboration with a professional agency will start.
Additionally it was agreed to strengthen the relationship with manufacturer associations as well as institutions. Therefore, in advance to the Executive Committee meeting, the President and the Secretary General met several potential partners from the Hungary.
An important tool for manufacturers in order to find commercial agents is the IUCAB B2B platform. The platform will be relaunched with new features such as higher visibility for commercial agents and higher usability for manufacturers. The relaunch will go live in the 1st quarter of 2020.
The next Executive Committee will be held in Salzburg, Austria on 27th March 2020.