IUCAB ExCom met in Madrid, Spain
The IUCAB Executive Committee members came together on 17th November in Madrid. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Manuel Maestre, President of the Spanish member association CGAC.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Olivier Mazoyer, President of IUCAB, and the Vice Presidents Mr. Ole Kristian Bull from Norway, Mr. Enric Enrech from Spain, Mr. Marco Righetti from Italy, Mr. Ralf Scholz from Germany and Mr. Axel Sturmberger from Austria as well as Mr. Christian Rebernig, IUCAB Secretary General.
Also partly present was Mr. Antonio Garcia Rebollar, Director General Trade Policy and Competitiveness at the Ministry of Economy of Spain, who gave a presentation about the economic situation and the successful implemented measures in order to reduce the unemployment rate.
Mr. Rebernig gave an actual overview about the actions 2017 and about the ongoing Website Relaunch. The Website is the business card of the organisation and therefore it should encourage associations to join IUCAB. In addition, the Website should underline that IUCAB is a professional partner for the manufacturer (associations) as well as for international institutions. The results will be presented to the members at the next delegates meeting.
Mr. Scholz informed the members about the promoting tools for the IUCAB sales platform.
The participants agreed that next year’s activities will focus more on the target group of manufacturer.
The next meeting will be held in Chicago on 23rd March 2018.