IUCAB Executive Committee meeting in Vienna
The ExCom members came together on 23rd October 2015 in Vienna, Austria, and the meeting was hosted by Dr. Richard Schenz, Vice President of the WKO and President of ICC Austria.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Olivier Mazoyer, President of IUCAB and Vice Presidents Mr. Ralf Scholz from Germany, Mr. Axel Sturmberger from Austria, Mr. Enric Enrech from Spain, Mr. David Johnson from The United Kingdom, Mr. Carlo Tabellini from Italy, Mr. Ole Kristian Bull from Norway and Mr. Paul Holtrop, IUCAB Secretary General.
Also present were Mr.Jordi Marti from Spain on behalf of Agentes Comerciales de España (CGAC) and Mr. Christian Rebernig on behalf of Bundesgremium der Handelsagenten WKO (Austria).
Dr. Richard Schenz, Chairman of ICC Austria and Dr. Burger-Scheidlin, Executive Director of ICC Austria gave a presentation about ICC. An ICC IUCAB group is created at this occasion. It will allow IUCAB to develop positive relationships. Members of this new group are Vice President Mr. Carlo Tabellini and Mr. Axel Sturmberger and Mr. Christian Rebernig on behalf of WKO.
Vice President Ole Kristian Bull gave a presentation about the Nordic Federation which was founded in 1948. ExCom is positive about the question of the Nordic Federation regarding a short form distributorship agreement to be developed by the Legal Working Group.
The charter will be reviewed and the new draft will be presented to the members during the Delegates Meeting in May 2016. Mr. Holtrop, IUCAB Secretary General, reported on the developments getting new members, the importance of the come-into-contact website and the value of IUCAB as business partner. Aim must be that IUCAB is a stable and recognisable organisation for entrepreneurs and governments.
Vice President Mr. Ralf Scholz gave a presentation on the importance of the IUCAB Platform and social media. USARCI, the Italian member association, is interested to join the IUCAB Platform.
Mr. Bull gave a presentation on the marketing instruments IUCAB has to develop.
Next meeting will be held in Lyon, France, on 26-28th February 2016.