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IUCAB Executive Committee meets in Amsterdam

The Members of the IUCAB ExCom came together on Monday 3rd November 2014 in Amsterdam for their yearly autumn meeting.

The meeting was hosted by the Dutch Member Association, VNT (Verbond van Nederlandse Tussenpersonen). The meeting was attended by Mr. Olivier Mazoyer, President of IUCAB and Vice Presidents Mr. Ralf Scholz from Germany, Mr. Walter Krammer from Austria, Mr. Enric Enrech from Spain, Mr. David Johnson from the United Kingdom, Mr. Carlo Tabellini from Italy, Mr. Ole Kristian Bull from Norway, Mr. Frans Muller, President of the VNT and Mr. Paul Holtrop, IUCAB Secretary General. Also present was Mr. Jordi Marti from Spain.

Amongst others the following items have been discussed:

  • The European Directive. The European Commission received over 50 responses to the Public Consultation Questionnaire and the majority voted for maintaining the Directive. The IUCAB Member Association’s responses (about 15 countries) will be analysed and a report can be expected in June 2015.
  • IUCAB contribution system. The pros and cons of the general contribution system have been discussed. ExCom will decide whether a new system is to be implemented after discussion with the members.
  • Lobbying. The common idea of ExCom is that lobby work should be done by the local associations. It will be examined whether it is possible to introduce IUCAB to the ICC’s (International Chambers of Commerce). The IUCAB Website will be revised. Possible sponsors will be approached by the Expert Group Communication and Marketing.
  • IUCAB platform and social media. ExCom is being informed that the IUCAB come-into-contact flyer is ready and posted on the IUCAB homepage. An IUCAB facebook page has been developed. The IUCAB newsletter will be implemented again and is a project of the Swedish IUCAB Member Association SAA. The national associations will have to be encouraged to inform their members that as an extra service, advertisements will be put on the IUCAB platform at no extra cost. A new IUCAB business card for the ExCom members is being developed and almost finished.
  • IUCAB Congress 2015. The Congress will be held in Warsaw, Poland on 14th and 15th May 2014. On 14th May the normal program of the IUCAB Delegates Meeting will be held and on 15th May the International Congress, the George Hayward Election and the B2B meeting.
  • Communication. The Spanish Member Association is busy with several new services (f.i. flight discounts) which can be given to other IUCAB members as well. The website has been introduced and it is an interesting link for IUCAB members. An IUCAB “ID” will be discussed during the IUCAB Secretarial Working Group (SWG) meeting in January 2015.
  • IUCAB Secretarial Working Group. The next meeting will be held on 16th January 2015 in Rome, Italy at the premises of USARCI.
  • IUCAB Executive Committee. The next meeting will be held on 13th March 2015 in Oslo, Norway.

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